Last Minute Moving

In an ideal world, we would always have several months to prepare to move home, giving us plenty of time to make sure everything falls into place leading up to the move.

Unfortunately, that’s not always the way it pans out. Sometimes extenuating circumstances mean that we have to find a new home and move in a hurry. We’ve all been there! And we’re here to help you through it. At Brownstone Brothers Moving & Storage, we specialize in handling last-minute moves. Let us help you navigate the chaos and ensure a smooth transition to your new home.

Below are a list of tips we’ve compiled based on what we’ve observed to be the most helpful tasks to do and most beneficial things to keep in mind as you prepare for your short-notice move. Follow our advice and make verything goes smoothly. Trust us, it is possible!

  • Remember: Focus on the most important tasks first.

  • Keep a running list of everything that you need to do before, during and after the move. Some people like to keep this list on their phone. That way, when they remember something in the middle of the night, they simply need to pull out their phone. Using an app that allows you to search by keyword, like the Notes app on iPhone can be an added convenience, especially if you want to keep multiple lists.

  • Book your mover ASAP, especially if you’re moving between May and September— summer months tend to be the busiest for moving companies.

  • If possible, let the movers handle the packing. Not only will they bring their own packing materials, but a reputable company like Brownstone Brothers Moving & Storage will know how to protect your items from potential damage. Plus, it will free you up to focus on other crucial aspects of your move.

  • If you must do your own packing, remember to pack a “first night box” (see our blog for guidance), and to label your boxes clearly! Given the cirumstances, you may not have time to organize your belongings before packing them, so it is especially important that you know which room each box corresponds to, and what the contents are.

  • Consider storage options. Sometimes, a last-minute move leaves you in need of temporary storage solutions. At Brownstone Brothers Moving & Storage, we offer safe and secure storage in our for short-term or long-term storage needs. Utilizing storage solutions will provide the peace of mind that your belongings are safe so you can get your ducks in a row.

At Brownstone Brothers Moving & Storage, we understand the stress and challenges that come with last-minute moves. Our dedicated team delivers exceptional service, no matter the circumstances. With our help, you can rest easy knowing that your move is in capable hands, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life with minimal disruptions.

Don't let the stress of a last-minute move weigh you down. Contact Brownstone Brothers Moving & Storage today!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Common Moving Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

Moving is a hectic process, and it’s easy to let things slip through the cracks if not done correctly. At Brownstone Brothers Moving & Storage, in our 40+ years of experience, we’ve seen every moving mistake possible—and these mistakes are often costly.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the mistakes we see most frequently. We’ll advise you on what not to do, so that you don’t have to learn the hard way.

  1. Not keeping track

    Moving involves myriad different tasks, and keeping a list of things that need to be done before, during and after your move can be incredibly helpful to refer back to if your move starts to feel a bit chaotic at any point. In the weeks leading up to your move, start a list of tasks and notes pertaining to your upcoming move. Write down every detail that comes to mind, no matter how small—you’ll be glad you did when the big day arrives!

  2. Not asking for help

    Doing all of your packing and moving yourself can be an appealing idea. After all, it can save you the cost of paying If your move is especially small, say, a handful of boxes of non-breakable items, moving on your own is certainly plausible. But, if you are moving more than a suitcase of clothing and a few boxes, help is invaluable, and professional help from a company like Brownstone Brothers can save a lot of grief at the end of the day.

  3. Choosing a mover based on bargain prices or convenience

    Referrals from friends, family members or neighbors are the best way to find a good, reliable moving company. If you must rely on the Internet to find a mover, do some research rather than selecting the first company that pops up on your search engine results page. Checking the Better Business Bureau for any complaints against the company you are reviewing is a good way to evaluate whether the company is a good fit for you.

    Hiring a mover for their low prices can actually wind up being more costly in the end. Nick Mueller, director of operations for, tells the New York Times, “I made the mistake of hiring a cheap moving company off Craigslist. It was clear from first sight that their truck was in poor repair, but at that point I needed to be out of my rental and didn’t have time for other options. After driving 18 hours through spring rainstorms, almost every single box in the truck had water damage, and many items inside were ruined.” Budget movers have to cut costs in order to keep their prices low, which means your belongings may not get the protection they need to be transported safely. The cost of repairing these items is often costly—and some items can’t be repaired or replaced (often items of sentimental value).

  4. Waiting until the last minute

    Sometimes life throws us a curve ball and, for one reason or another, we find ourselves having to move on short notice. In these situations, having a moving company take care of your packing will cut down considerably on time, and stress.

    Whenever possible, avoid last minute planning and packing.

    Packing often takes more time than you’d think. If you are going to be doing the packing yourself, be sure to start packing at least a few days in advance.

  5. Forgetting to pack a “first night” box

    Setting aside certain items that you will need access to during your first night in your new home is a great way to cut down on needless stress and ensure that your first night in your new home is as relaxing as possible. Check out our blog Packing Your First Night Box for tips!

    Call or email us for more tips on how to make your move go smoothly!

    Phone: (718) 665-5000


Your Comprehensive Moving Checklist

The process of moving is rarely simple. For most moves, there are multiple tasks that need to be completed before your move even begins in order for your move to go smoothly.

If you’re nervous about all the chores that need get done, don’t fret! Our team at Brownstone Brothers is very familiar with the details that go into a move, no matter how many extenuating circumstances there may be, and we’re more than happy to share what we’ve learned.

One strategy we’ve found helpful for customers across the board is to write things down. Don’t rely on memory when it comes to your move! Even for those with the sharpest of memories, using a moving checklist can create a better sense of ease peace of mind.

Even if yours is a small, local move, or, if you are one of the rare people that is able to remember every little thing that needs to get done, if you have written out a checklist, you can rest assured that everything that needs to be done gets done in a timely fashion, and anything that you may need to come back to will be noted. Give your thinking mind a break—you already have enough on your mind!

If you are needing to move on short notice giving you less than six weeks to prepare for your move, check out our blog about last minute moving.

If your move is at least six weeks out, here is a list of things to keep track of that can be applied to almost any move, depending on where you are in the process:

When your move is at least six weeks out, start completing the following taks:

  1. Research moving companies. Check our blog if you need help determining how to choose the right moving company.

  2. Book your mover—the earlier, the better, especially if you are moving in the summer months, which tend to book up faster.

  3. Take time off work

  4. Notify your landlord

  5. If you have children, you’ll want to notify their school that they will be transferring, and acquire transcripts that their new school requires.

  6. Sort through your belongings for anything you can donate, sell, or throw away. This is a great time to downsize!

  7. Decide what you’ll take with you

  8. Make a plan for moving fragile and/or valuable items such as antiques, fine art, instruments, fine china, etc. Talk it over with your mover (and refer to our blog!)

  9. If you are doing your own packing rather than having the movers do it, be sure to purchase boxes, packing tape, paper or bubble wrap, box cuters, and a black permanent marker for labeling your boxes.

  10. This is also a good time to begin the packing process, doing a little bit each day. Creating small, achievable goals will help ease any stress or anxiety you may be experiencing. Don’t forget to label your boxes!

  11. If you are moving out of and/or into an apartment, check with your landlord or building manager about any requirements or rules they may have in regards to moving. Many buildings require a certificate of insurance and workmen’s compensation from your moving company. Many buildings also have restrictions about moving on weekends, and restricted hours during which you are permitted to move.

  12. Decide what kind of moving insurance is the best fit for you. Refer to our guide How to Choose the Right Moving Insurance for help.

  13. Register your new address with the post office, DMV, your bank, Internet/cable provider and electricity/gas provider.

Having these tasks written down and taking care of them as far in advance as 6-8 weeks will greatly reduce your chances of having to scramble at the last minute. If you need any further help, call or email us!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


How to Prep Your Pet For Your Move

Moving can be a challenging experience for our beloved pets. At Brownstone Brothers Moving & Storage, we understand the needs of our cats and dogs, and we are committed to making the process as stress-free as possible for you, and for them.

Here is a list of things to keep in mind as you prepare for your upcoming move:

1. Familiarity and Routine:

Our pets thrive on familiarity and routine. Relocating to a new environment can disrupt their daily lives causing anxiety and stress; this is why it is so important to make the transition as smooth as possible, not just for our own benefit, but also for our pets!

According to the ASPCA, keeping pets at a friend’s house on moving day is a great way to avoid potential stressors. “On moving day, keep your pets in a quiet room with the door shut, or at a friend’s house. This will ensure that your cat or dog won’t get scared and try to make a quick getaway while the movers load up the truck. During the moving process, try to keep your pet’s routine as normal as possible.”

If keeping pets in a separate location or room during your move is not feasible, don’t worry! There are numerous ways to help your pet retain a feeling of safety and normalcy throughout your move.

If your pet has a crate (that they like), make sure to set it up before the movers arrive.

Practice for your move date by carrying your pets around the house in their crate or carrier, or taking a short drive.

“If possible, move most of your stuff into the new home before moving the pets in. This will serve multiple purposes, including introducing old scents into the new space and again keeping the pets safe from open doors and furniture being moved.”

2. Stress and Anxiety Management:

There are certain things certain things we can do and tools we can utilize to keep our pets as calm as possible amidst the commotion of moving. If your pet suffers from anxiety as it is, ask your veteriarian if your pet should be medicatd prior to your move. Some veterinarians recommend over the counter anxiety treatments like pheremone sprays or CBD treats. Amanda Eick-Miller, a Veterinary Behavior Technician at The Behavior Clinic in Olmsted Falls, Ohio, recommends Feliway by Ceva for cats. The dog-equivalent product is called DAP (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) by Comfort Zone. "This product decreases stress and anxiety associated with the move," says Eick-Miller. "It comes as a diffuser; we recommend plugging it in 36 hours prior to the cats moving in."

3. Decompression Period:

Allow for your pets to have a decompression period after moving. Let them get comfortable in one room first, where they have easy access to food, water, toy and any other neccesities. It usually takes a few days for them to be ready, but when they are, they can explore the rest of the house knowing where "home base" is.

It's normal for pets to lay low or hide for up to a few days after moving. Be on the lookout for any out-of-the-ordinary behaviors such as exessive meowing or barking. Stress can exaserbate pre-existing health conditions in pets just as it can for humans, so be prepared to call or visit your veterinarian if signs of stress don't dissipate quickly.

4. Adaptation to a New Environment:

Once you've arrived at your new home, helping your pet adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings becomes crucial. Our team can provide guidance on pet-proofing your home by tucking away electrical chords, ensuring that all windows have screens, and setting up a designated space for your fur babies. We are here to offer tips to help acclimate them to their new surroundings, ensuring a smoother transition into their new home.

Need more advice on how to care for pets during your move? Call or email us!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Settling into Your New Home: The Ultimate Task List

Congratulations on your new home! Moving into a fresh space can be an exciting and invigorating experience, but it can also be overwhelming. Now that you’ve gotten through the processes of house hunting and moving, you’ll want to make sure to start off on the right foot.

Taking care of certain tasks at the outset will enable you to settle in and get comfortable as quickly as possible. And let’s face it: after a long day of moving, the importance of comfort cannot be overstated. Although there are certain tasks that you’ll want to complete before anything else, we recommend getting as much rest as possible after a move.

We’ve compiled a list of tasks that should be addressed as soon as possible so that you can get settled in your new home, faster.

1. Clean Your Space: Before unpacking, take the time to give your new home a once-over. If time and energy are on your side, a deep clean is best; although homes are usually cleaned before a new occupant moves in, there are always spots that get overlooked. Plus, you never know the cleaning habits of the previous occupants.

2. Make sure each box is located in it’s corresponding room. Although you may not have energy to unpack all (or even some) of your boxes during your first night, it will be helpful to have all items placed in the rooms they belong to, even if they are in boxes!

3. Set Up Utilities: Contact the necessary utility providers to ensure that your electricity, water, gas, and internet services are set up so that there is no interruption in your daily routines.

4. Inspect and Update Home Safety Features: Check to make sure that smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers are ready to use.

5. Meet the Neighbors: If you are more socialable, take the initiative to introduce yourself to your new neighbors. Not only will this help foster a sense of community, but neighbors can also be an invaluable source of information about the neighborhood.

6. Locate the Essentials: Locate the nearest pharmacy, grocery store, post office and hospital.

7. Update Your Address: Don't forget to update your address with the necessary entities such as the post office, your bank, employer, and any subscription services, etc.

Consider some of these ideas for your first night (or two) in your new home and you’re sure to start on a positive note.

Do you have questions about what tasks to complete during your first few days in your new home? Call us!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Downsizing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Downsizing for Your Move: Making the Transition Smooth

Using your move as an opportunity to downsize is a smart decision with numerous benefits.

Moving can be a fresh start, allowing you to reevaluate your belongings and embrace a more minimalist lifestyle. Downsizing not only reduces the clutter in your new space but also relieves the stress associated with managing excessive possessions. It can simplify your life, allowing you to focus on what truly matters and creating a more organized, efficient living environment. Moreover, downsizing can save you money in the long run by reducing storage costs and the expenses of maintaining and moving unnecessary items.

Downsizing can be an overwhelming task, so we’ve compiled a list of our best tips to ensure that the process runs smoothly.

  1. Start decluttering and downsizing before you start packing for your move. “Your house will already be torn apart in order to pack, so it's a great time to pull everything out and touch on each item individually to make the decision of ‘keep, donate, sell or throw away’,” says Jamie Hord, founder of Horderly.

  2. Make a list of your possessions, categorizing them into what you want to keep, donate, sell, or discard.

  3. Prioritize items that are essential and bring you joy.

  4. Consider the dimensions of your new space and plan accordingly. Measure furniture to ensure it fits, and if possible,

  5. To cut down on paperwork, digitize important documents and dispose of unnecessary papers responsibly.

  6. Finally, remember to give yourself time and be emotionally prepared as downsizing often involves letting go of sentimental items.

Remember to give yourself as much time as possible! Downsizing and decluttering can use lot of energy and be emotionally draining. Be sure to practice self-care throughout the process and take your time!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


How to Manage Moving Anxiety

Feeling anxious about your upcoming move? Don’t panic—you’re not alone! Moving home is often referred to as one of the most stressful events a person will experience in their lifetime. In fact, studies show that moving is commonly ranked as the #1 most stressful event in a person’s lifetime. According to Science Daily, moving takes a bigger toll on a person than previously thought.

A recent survey polled 1,000 Americans who had moved in the past three years and found that many reported moving to be the most stressful event they had experienced—more stressful than going through a breakup or divorce, getting married, or having children! Whether you’re moving down the hall or across the globe, moving is stressful.

“Moving is an overwhelming endeavor that can easily activate many of our emotions, including stress, exhaustion, and anxiety,” says Hillary Schoninger, LCSW. “Although moving may be a happy change, it is still change which can be challenging,” she tells Very Well Mind.

Key stress factors that reported to be the most difficult to handle during a move include finding a mover, and packing. Science Daily reports that, of the respondents surveyed who did their last move on their own, 43% said they would never do it again, while 94% of respondents who hired a moving company for their last move said it was well worth the money.

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to reduce moving-related stress and anxiety.

Choose a Reliable Moving Company
Moving to a new place can be an exciting adventure, but let's face it: the process of packing, lifting heavy furniture, and transporting all your belongings can quickly turn into a nightmare.

Some people may consider moving by themselves or relying on friends and family to lend a hand, but there are compelling reasons why hiring a professional moving company like Brownstone Brothers Moving & Storage is the better choice.

Experience and Expertise
Professional movers are called professionals for a reason. They possess the necessary experience and expertise to handle all aspects of the moving process efficiently. From packing fragile items securely to navigating tight corners and narrow staircases, their knowledge and skills ensure a seamless move without any damage to your valuable belongings. Their familiarity with different types of properties and the challenges that can arise during a move make them better equipped to handle any unexpected situations.

Time and Efficiency
Moving requires a considerable amount of time and effort. By hiring professionals, you can save yourself valuable time and use it more wisely on other important tasks associated with your relocation. Experienced movers work efficiently and have the necessary manpower to complete the job swiftly, reducing both your physical and mental stress during this hectic time, allowing you to settle into your new home much faster.

Equipment and Resources
Moving involves more than just packing and lifting boxes. It often requires the use of specialized equipment and resources to handle large, heavy furniture and delicate items. Professional moving companies possess all the necessary tools, packing materials, and equipment to ensure a safe and secure move. From dollies and ramps to furniture pads and moving blankets, professionals come equipped with everything needed to protect your possessions during transit.

Insurance and Liability
Accidents can happen, regardless of how cautious we are during a move. When you hire reputable moving professionals, they usually offer insurance coverage to protect your belongings in case of unexpected events. This means that if any of your items are damaged or lost during the move, the moving company will bear the financial responsibility for their replacement or repair. On the other hand, if you rely on friends or family, you risk bearing the full liability for any accidents or damages that may occur.

Click here to read our blog How to Choose the Right Moving Insurance!

Leave the Packing to the Professionals
When it comes to moving, packing can be an overwhelming task. That's why hiring professional movers to handle your packing can make the entire process smoother and more efficient.They possess the experience, skills and materials to properly pack fragile and valuable items, ensuring their protection throughout the journey. Moreover, professional movers can save you valuable time and energy, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your move. From disassembling furniture to organizing and labeling boxes, they handle each step with utmost care and precision. Although it can be uncomfortable to allow someone else to handle your personal items, hiring professionals to take care of packing can save a significant amount of stress during your move. Professional movers have the expertise and experience to pack your belongings safely and securely, minimizing the risk of damage during transportation—and they will accomplish this much more quickly than average person would. Skip the headache of packing yourself and trust the professionals to deliver a stress-free moving experience.

Need advice about moving delicate items? Check out our blog about moving delicate or valuable items!

Make the smart choice and enturst your move to the experts at Brownston Brothers Moving & Storage. Let us help reduce the stress of moving. Call or email us today!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Packing Your 'First Night' Box

Pro-tip: Set aside a box containing all of the items you will need during your first night (or first few nights) in your new home.

Moving to a new home is undoubtedly an exciting endeavor, but it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks amidst all the all the excitement. Picture arriving in your new home after a long day of packing, moving, and travelling, only to realize that you don’t know which box contains your daily allergy medicine.

Packing a ‘First Night’ box that contains all the items you could possibly need during your first day or two in your new abode can significantly reduce the stress of being in a new environment. Providing a sense of familiarity will help put your mind at ease and enable you to get some rest.

Including items like favorite pillows, books, even a photograph of a loved one or a pet can help ease anxieties and create a comforting environment from day one.

With a thoughtfully packed first night box, you can swiftly access essential items that will make settling into your new space a breeze.

Let's delve into what to consider when preparing our ‘First Night’ box.

Sheets, Pillows and Blankets

After a long day of moving, nothing is more inviting than a comfortable bed. By packing fresh sheets, pillows, and a cozy blanket for each family member in your first night box, you ensure a restful night's sleep. Studies show that a good night’s sleep positively impacts mental and physical well-being, so by ensuring that you get enough sleep, you’ll be setting yourself up to start off on the right foot in your new home.


Toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, towels, and toilet paper. Having these essentials readily available will save you from searching through multiple boxes.


Any prescription medications you or your family members regularly take. Keep them in a clearly marked bag or container.


Pack a change of clothes for each family member for the next day. It usually takes time to organize clothes in closets, so having a fresh set of clothes accessible will be convenient.

Kitchen Essentials

Paper plates, cups, and disposable cutlery will save you from hunting down your regular dinnerware on your first night. Don't forget to include a few kitchen essentials like a can opener, bottle opener, and basic cooking utensils.

Beverages, Snacks

Moving can be physically taxing, and you might not have time to prepare a meal. Stock up on non-perishable snack items like granola bars, chips, and bottled water to keep you fueled throughout the day.

Electronics and Chargers

Pack your phone chargers, laptops, and any other necessary electronic devices. You'll likely need them to stay connected, make important calls, or even unwind with your favorite TV show.

Important Documents

Carry essential paperwork, such as identification documents, lease agreements, medical records, and contact information for utility companies. Keep them in a secure folder.


It's always helpful to have a few basic tools handy. Include a screwdriver, hammer, flashlight, and batteries. These tools will assist you in minor repairs or assembling furniture.

Basic Cleaning Supplies

Pack some cleaning essentials like paper towels, wipes, surface sprays, etc.

Have more questions about what to pack in your ‘First Night’ box? Get in touch!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Summer Moving in NYC: How to Prepare

Are you moving to NYC this summer?

After 40+ years of moving in NYC, Brownstone Brothers has moved in almost every conceivable weather condition from blizzards to record-breaking heat waves. We have listed suggestions for those planning to move during the summer months.

Make note of the challenges that come with summer moving, such as limited availability on the part of moving companies, high temperatures and street closures for outdoor events.

Keep in mind that summer is a popular time for moving. “With nearly 60% of US moves taking place from May to August, summer is known as ‘peak season’ in the moving industry,” writes Sergio Ocampo for Move Buddha. Warm weather, longer days, and kids on summer vacation are just a few factors that make summer “peak moving season”.

Additionally, many leases end in the summer, and home selling season is at its peak. Book your move as far in advance as possible. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, moving companies book up quickly and have less availability as summer approaches.

Remain vigilant when it comes to maintaining your physical well-being; doing something as strenuous as moving on a hot day can be risky if you’re not careful about conserving your energy. Stay hydrated, well-fed, wear sunscreen, and tend to any additional health needs.

Do an Internet search once you have confirmed your moving date(s) to see if there are any local, outdoor events that coincide with said date(s). Check the neighborhood you are leaving, neighborhoods you will be passing through, and the neighborhood you are moving to. It is helpful to know about nearby street closures and whether they will affect your move.

Avoid last-minute planning and packing. Rushing to schedule a move on short notice can be particularly difficult during the summer months; it is best to schedule as far in advance as possible. It is always a good idea to start packing a few weeks ahead of your move date, and this is especially good advice when temperatures are high and help is in high demand.

Call us to schedule your summer move today!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Packing: Tips and Tricks

At Brownstone Brothers, we recommend that customers leave packing to the professionals. This ensures that everything is packed properly, and that your items are protected from potential damage. However, for customers who choose to do their own packing, we have a few helpful tips to make the process go smoothly.

  1. It is best to finish packing a day or two before the actual move—this eliminates last-minute rush.

  2. Label and mark each box as it is filled to avoid confusion about the contents later on. For larger moves, color-coding is helpful.

  3. A kitchen or dining room table covered with a blanket can be a useful work surface,

    especially for packing fragile items such as china, glassware, figurines, knick-knacks, and other breakables.

  4. When packing fragile items, be sure to leave two or three inches of space on top and

    sides of carton to be filled with newspaper to act as a cushion, and make sure all

    empty spaces in all cartons are filled with newspaper.

  5. Boxes containing fragile items should be labeled as to contents and marked “FRAGILE,” “THIS END UP,” e.g., stereo equipment, computers, cups, glassware, figurines, crystal, etc.

  6. Pack heaviest items first, less heavy items in the next layer, and the lightest on top.

  7. Pack each box firmly. This prevents contents from shifting when lifted or in transit. However, it is important not to overload the box by squeezing items into tight spaces. A bulge

    means you should remove something or repack the box.

  8. For instructions on how to tape up your boxes, check out The Professional Way to Tape a Box.

Still have questions about packing? Give us a call!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


How to Choose the Right Moving Insurance

In anticipation of your upcoming move, you may have questions about moving insurance.

Let’s start with the basics: What is moving insurance, and how does it work?

Even in the hands of the most professional moving companies, items can get damaged during the moving process—accidents happen regardless how careful the mover is.

This is why moving companies offer their customers moving insurance, which protects your belongings in the event that something is scratched, broken, or otherwise damaged during a move.

Customers are required to choose between two different types of insurance:

  • Free Standard Insurance

  • Replacement Value Insurance

Free Standard Insurance offers minimal coverage. This form of insurance is a legal relic from the past. Under this insurance, your furniture is covered at 30 cents per pound per item. This doesn’t amount to very much. For instance, this would provide about $30 of coverage in the case of a couch, and $150 coverage for an upright piano. However, this option may be taken if:

  1. the customer has a homeowner’s policy which covers their goods for breakage during a move

  2. most of the items being moved fall under the category of “exceptions” (see below) or

  3. items are not expensive

Under any of these circumstances, you may not need additional insurance. In all other cases, we recommend taking Replacement Value Insurance.

Replacement Value Insurance (also known as “Extra Insurance”) covers items for the cost of replacing them with an identical (or very similar) item.

In the rare event that an item is damaged, our company determines whether a satisfactory repair can be made. If not, the customer fills out a claim and our insurance company, Travelers (one of only a few insurance companies with a reputation for fairness) processes the claim.

The cost of Replacement Value Insurance is $5 per $1,000 declared value, with a $500 deductible.

According to Traveler’s requirements, the amount submitted to be covered must “realistically” reflect the total worth of the goods the customer is shipping. For example, if your furniture is worth about $100,000, taking a policy of $20,000 would be considered underinsured.

Exceptions not covered by Replacement Value Insurance are:

  • Items packed by the customer (or otherwise not packed by the mover)

  • Items made of particle board, pressboard, or engineered wood, e.g. Ikea furniture

  • Electronic and mechanical devices that do not work, but show no external evidence of damage

  • Cash and items of extraordinary value (e.g. diamonds)

  • Plants

Still have questions about moving insurance? Give us a call!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


The Professional Way to Tape a Box

Believe it or not, how you tape a moving box is crucial to make sure your items are transported safely during your move.

To make sure you have taped up your box as efficiently as possible, we recommend taking the following steps:

1. “Square up” the box by standing up the box so it is not in the collapsed position. Turn the rudimentary box upside down. Fold the small bottom box flaps inward first, then fold in the larger bottom box flaps.


2. Place one strip of tape across the bottom flaps to hold them in place.


3. You can now tape the “seam,” where the bottom flaps meet, with ease. Use three strips of tape to do this.


4. Wrap tape around all four sides of the box, securing the ends of all strips of tape.


5. After you have flipped the box right side up and filled it, repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 on the top flaps: Place one strip of tape across the top flaps to hold them in place, tape the “seam” itself with three strips of tape, then wrap tape around all four sides of the box, securing the ends of all strips of tape – Voila!


Still have questions? Give us a call!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Is Moving to NYC Still a Good Idea?

By now, chances are, you’ve heard plenty of stories about New Yorkers fleeing the city to Connecticut, The Hamptons, New Jersey, and surrounding areas. When the pandemic first hit New York City, many residents were eager to leave, seeking more space, and fewer crowds. For anyone who has considered moving to the city, you may be wondering, is moving to NYC still “a good idea”? As a local moving company with 50 years of service in NYC, Brownstone Brothers has the inside scoop.  If you are on the fence about moving to NYC, here a few factors we recommend you take into consideration before you decide whether to take the plunge.

Rental Prices Are The Lowest They’ve Been in Years 

At the height of the pandemic, many New Yorkers fled the city, and vacancy rates skyrocketed. As a result, rental prices have plummeted. “Rent prices sunk to lows in the third quarter of 2020 not seen since 2011,” writes Natalie Campisi for For the first time in nine years, the median asking rent in 2020 was less than $3,000. We haven’t seen rentals this low in almost a decade.

Real Estate Is More Affordable

Not only is it a great time to rent in NYC, it’s also a great time to buy. Real estate prices have fallen more than 50% in some areas of the city! For those who are in the market, this drastic reduction in housing prices has been one bright spot during the pandemic. For anyone who has fantasized owning a NYC apartment only to be deterred by exorbitantly high real estate prices, this is your chance! No one can predict how long this price drop will last—real estate prices were 10% to 20% lower between March and May, but since businesses have reopened, listing discounts are closer to 8% to 12% ( So, don’t wait long to make your move!

Suburban Real Estate is More Expensive than Ever

For suburban property-owners considering a switch from suburban to urban, you may be aware that this is a golden opportunity for you. While prices in the city have dropped, prices in the suburbs have climbed 25% or more over the last year. According to The Harris Residential Team, this is the perfect time to “sell high and buy low”.

Space in places like the Hamptons, Greenwich, CT, and Westchester was already limited before the pandemic. Now, it’s even harder to come by, and real estate prices have skyrocketed.  So, take advantage of this opportunity, and everything NYC has to offer! 

New Yorkers Are Resilient

The strain of the pandemic has been particularly evident in densely populated areas like New York City. But New Yorkers are no strangers to crisis. We saw New York’s resiliency back in 2001. After the attacks on September 11th, many businesses and residents joined together, survived and came out stronger than ever. Despite hurricanes, blackouts, and floods, we’ll be here long after the pandemic is over.

Contact us today about your New York City move!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Worried About Moving Your Fragile Items?

Are you worried about maintaining the integrity of your items during your upcoming move? Packing and moving large, fragile, or valuable items in NYC is inherently tricky. Narrow hallways and staircases, small rooms, doorways and elevators can prove challenging for movers who lack the necessary skills and training they need in order to navigate these kinds of spaces during a moving job. Additionally, objects such as antiques, fine art, crystal, and china require a higher level of attention and care during the packing and moving process. 

At Brownstone Brothers Moving and Storage, we possess the special skills required to pack and move all your precious belongings and transport them safely to their destination, undamaged. 

Brownstone Brothers is a high-end, boutique moving company with 50 years of familiarity with buildings in Manhattan and surrounding boroughs. 

We have extensive experience moving items from apartment buildings, brownstones, and walk-ups, as well as galleries, auction houses, and art studios. This means we have the knowledge and expertise necessary to pack and move your most delicate items, under any circumstances. 

Well-Trained, Experienced Movers

At Brownstone Brothers, we hand-select and train each of our movers to ensure that your large, fragile, or valuable items arrive safely at their destination. Packing and moving items such as antiques, fine art, crystal and china requires a high level of care due to the fragility and value of each item. Transporting items of this nature in and out of NYC buildings exposes them to the threat of being mishandled, damaged, or broken, so it is imperative that you select a moving company that has experience in this field.  Our movers will ensure that your high-value objects arrive at their destination in pristine condition.   

High-Quality, Specialized Packing Materials

Brownstone Brothers utilizes specialized packing materials, such as acid-free archival paper, and custom-sized boxes and crates tailored to fit paintings, sculptures, and other fine art. Each piece is packed securely with materials tailored to the specifications of the item, ensuring that it is protected throughout the transportation process.

When selecting an NYC moving company to pack and move your fragile and/or delicate items, be sure to verify the company’s ability to transport your items to their destination without sustaining any damage. At Brownstone Brothers, we take every measure to ensure that all of your belongings arrive at your new home or storage unit unharmed. 

Feel free to contact us via phone or email with any questions or concerns you may have about moving your large, fragile or valuable items. We are here to help you!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Protect Yourself From Covid During Your Move

Unfortunately, most of the knowledge of covid relating to household moving is anecdotal or based on rumor.  The method of transmission and prevention of infection is not precisely known.  We do know that covid-19 is airborne. Masks (N95, possibly others) and social distancing (though the length of distance is now questioned) have been found to be effective. Curiously, most of the time all masks are considered equal, but, of course, they are not. Social tracing proceeds on the supposition that covid is most likely transmitted by a 10 minute close, verbal interaction between two people. There is not much else known for certain about scientific particulars.  For example, whether the disease can be transmitted by viruses  picked up from household objects is not clear, is becoming, at least anecdotally, accepted.

Moving company websites have advertised that their men wear masks and gloves, and try to maintain “social distance”.  This is fine but not really enough.  Masks vary greatly in effectiveness, and many moving companies, just like committed joggers,  are now ready to admit that under physical duress, it is simply impossible to be always wearing a mask. Men should be encouraged to take short breaks after heavy exertion. What is not often pointed out is this: the customer should always be wearing a mask and that mask should be N-(95), or KN95. Brownstone Brothers Moving will supply such masks to customers if they need them. It would be helpful to work with smaller moving crews rather than moving crews larger than 6 men, for example.  To summarize:

  •  The proven facts about covid transmission are few.

  •  The standard techniques many other moving companies use presently are insufficient and inconsistently carried out.

  •  The customer should depend on his own personal safety measures.

  •  These measures should include an N-95 mask and  also social distancing whenever possible. 

In fact, Brownstone has been working right through the pandemic with no cases reported of infection among movers or customers.

Still have questions or concerns? Get in touch!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


6 Techniques For Choosing A High-End Mover

  1. Start with a time-honored method of personal references. Ask your friends. If two separate parties refer the same mover, in a city with 500 moving companies, this beats the odds. Don’t take the word of bargain guides, supers or apartment organizers unless you personally know them to be trustworthy.

  2. Adopt a skeptical attitude when using the internet. (The rave e-mails appearing on blogs are sometimes written by the very movers that are being raved about.)

  3. Look for a company that has been in business for ten years or more. There are an infinite number of details involved in a move which can only be learned through experience. As a customer, you do not want to share learning with a new company.

  4. Ask Yourself: Is the company detail-oriented? Has every expense been spelled out? Is the representative willing to discuss fine points? Or do they simply inflict on you a large amount of empty sales talk?

  5. Consider whether the company depends on references or on advertising as their source of jobs. A company that relies on advertising for their work will not be especially concerned about what you tell your friends about your move.

  6. Binding estimates and replacement value insurance were invented to assure the customer peace of mind. Request both, but read the fine print carefully for exceptions.

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Why Isn't Moving Fun? The Problem of Moving Anxiety

“May you move a thousand times,” runs an old Irish curse.  This saying captures the dread of relocating felt by many new household owners.  But wait, isn’t the new place the fulfillment of at least some of your dreams? Shouldn’t you be looking forward to moving?

The problem is: anxiety.  This problem is often exacerbated by delays or confusion on the part of the buyer, the sellers, the boards, the lawyers, or the contractors.  But basically, the problem is that of anticipating the feeling of being a stranger in a strange land, possibly not even knowing exactly where your toothbrush or pills are going to be found.  Also, you’re over budget.

So here are a few solutions:  Make it a habit to visit the new place.  Have dinner in the neighborhood restaurants.  If you are extraverted enough, strike up conversations with some of the new neighbors.  Maybe talk about how reasonable prices are, at a restaurant you’ve visited. Find out who the celebrities are who live nearby.  If they’re comfortable here, why not you?  

When packing, set aside a box containing all the items you will need during your first night in your new home. Having easy access to things like toiletries, medication, and a clean set of clothes can greatly diminish the stress of your move by eliminating any chances of needing to frantically open box after box searching for your toothbrush.

In other words, make the place a part-time home even before you get there.  You may even find your present place seeming kind of dull.

Still feeling anxious? Give us a call!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


The Secret Of Packing

People who are moving are often surprised at how much is involved in packing.  Packing, in fact, is the central and most difficult part of moving. From a mover’s point of view while it is easy to move a couch, but more concentration and care must be taken with packing.

Why is this?  Of course, crystal is more expensive and delicate, pound for pound. But, further, to pack a box full of crystal involves maybe’ a hundred separate steps.  Moving a couch requires less than a dozen. The layperson's idea of packing, if not thought out, is simply to cover the item with paper.  But in fact, the main concept in packing for a professional is to PAD things. Items such as crystal, plates, and serving platters must be padded to protect them from their neighbors and padded against the sides of the box in which they are ensconced. As a rule of thumb, crystal and other fine dishware should be padded to the extent that the box in which contains them could be dropped say 6” without anything inside being disturbed.  

For this to be possible, much more paper, usually rolled or twisted, needs to be involved than anyone might first guess.  For example, a professional might use a 25-lb bundle of unprinted newspaper to pack three or four big cartons (say, 20” high each).  At first glance, this seems a terrible waste of energy and materials. Not so for a professional packer whose aim, from the layman’s point of view, is to overpack.  Only by overpacking are delicate items made safe, so if you pack yourself, try to overpack.  If you hire movers to pack, you should make sure they are not “saving” on paper and boxes.  The time, energy and materials required are always more than you might expect. 

Need more advice on packing? Get in touch!

Phone: (718) 665-5000


Should You Tip Movers in New York City?

The practice of tipping has a dark origin:  During Reconstruction, tipping was used as a means of control and underpayment.  Today, 150 years later, it has evolved into something essentially different, i.e. a branch of the underground economy.  If you are planning to move your house in Manhattan, you might wonder if tipping is expected for the moving services drivers and helpers.

Service jobs in Manhattan and other parts of NYC, like moving jobs, taxis, Uber, etc. generally provide a minimal living wage.   In order for the employee to bridge the gap between payroll and reality, he or she must rely on tips.  For cab drivers, for example, tips are expected, as you can see from the screen that indicates the trip charges.  Some restaurants charge tips automatically. Many people pay these tips in cash. It must be known to the IRS that cash tips are rarely included in  tax returns. In the case of cash, both customer and worker assume spontaneously and subconsciously that they are dealing with a different form of the economy; to be blunt, they are dealing with an “accepted” form of the underground economy. 

In almost all local moving companies in Manhattan, the employees expect tips.  This is a harsh truth for the customer, for, to take an arbitrary but not totally unreasonable number, 15% of a moving bill can be hundreds of dollars. To not give a tip, indicates that the customer is dissatisfied or comes from Europe or some other place where the tipping is low or non-existent.   Brownstone Brothers pays among the highest wages in the city, but its employees have the same expectations as other moving workers throughout the state. The recommended range of tipping is $5 to $10 per mover per hour. 

If you are using movers in Manhattan or Brooklyn in New York City, we suggest that you tip the mover if they have made your move easy and less stressful. 

Still have questions about tipping? Call us!

Phone: (718) 665-5000
