Settling into Your New Home: The Ultimate Task List

Congratulations on your new home! Moving into a fresh space can be an exciting and invigorating experience, but it can also be overwhelming. Now that you’ve gotten through the processes of house hunting and moving, you’ll want to make sure to start off on the right foot.

Taking care of certain tasks at the outset will enable you to settle in and get comfortable as quickly as possible. And let’s face it: after a long day of moving, the importance of comfort cannot be overstated. Although there are certain tasks that you’ll want to complete before anything else, we recommend getting as much rest as possible after a move.

We’ve compiled a list of tasks that should be addressed as soon as possible so that you can get settled in your new home, faster.

1. Clean Your Space: Before unpacking, take the time to give your new home a once-over. If time and energy are on your side, a deep clean is best; although homes are usually cleaned before a new occupant moves in, there are always spots that get overlooked. Plus, you never know the cleaning habits of the previous occupants.

2. Make sure each box is located in it’s corresponding room. Although you may not have energy to unpack all (or even some) of your boxes during your first night, it will be helpful to have all items placed in the rooms they belong to, even if they are in boxes!

3. Set Up Utilities: Contact the necessary utility providers to ensure that your electricity, water, gas, and internet services are set up so that there is no interruption in your daily routines.

4. Inspect and Update Home Safety Features: Check to make sure that smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers are ready to use.

5. Meet the Neighbors: If you are more socialable, take the initiative to introduce yourself to your new neighbors. Not only will this help foster a sense of community, but neighbors can also be an invaluable source of information about the neighborhood.

6. Locate the Essentials: Locate the nearest pharmacy, grocery store, post office and hospital.

7. Update Your Address: Don't forget to update your address with the necessary entities such as the post office, your bank, employer, and any subscription services, etc.

Consider some of these ideas for your first night (or two) in your new home and you’re sure to start on a positive note.

Do you have questions about what tasks to complete during your first few days in your new home? Call us!

Phone: (718) 665-5000
